
‘’Metalline’’ is truly a conversation piece. Perfect for Steampunk lovers or the weekend Viking warrior queen, it is metallic, classic and elegant, all at the same time.

I started this necklace last fall but had to put it on hold until the final artistic concepts could become clear to me; the subconscience continues to work on the details until it is satisfied and then motivates the artist to wrap up the design. Metalline features all kinds of Steampunk elements, gears, keys, flowers, rare handmade AnnaBronze components, and Swarovski crystal pendants, all attached to olive colored leather neck extensions embellished with chains, beads and a large round brass clasp.

Approximate measurements:
Front part: 5 x 7’’
Total Necklace Height: 12’’
Neckline: 18’’


All Prices Are In US Dollars

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